What Is Web Design
Web design is one of the essentials of web development. Part of a web designer’s job would be to envision and create/design a web page using graphics, formatting HTML, standardisation and usability of their web page.
Web designing requires a lot of unique abilities, standards and disciplines that are employed in creating and maintaining a website. Under the term web design, we think of graphic and web design, interface design, authoring, directional programming, user environment and search engine optimisation.
Even though some people cover all these skills independently, most of these individuals usually work in groups for faster production and a more professional approach. To be more exact, the word web-design is used to describe the front part (visible part) of a site, whilst internet development handles the performance and backend of a website (coding component).
While internet design is a fairly new branch of business, it may be related to graphic design.
There were a lot of different plugins from the day, and most of them were created for the Unix platform, and also web pages were highly saturated with text. There was not any support for graphic elements like images or sounds, and Mosaic was made to conquer that.
The W3C was founded in October 1994, so it could “direct WWW to its full potential through the development of protocols that were assembled, and secure its own interoperability”. This discouraged companies to take a monopoly on program browsers and languages. In the year 1994 Andreessen founded the firm “Netscape Communications” which made their own HTML tags without traditional standardization process. For instance, Netscape 1.1 had commands for changing the background colour and text formatting to charts. During 1996-1999 the browser wars had started. Two leading companies, Microsoft and Netscape were fighting for the most popular browser in the marketplace. During this period, there were a lot of new technologies in this region, especially with CSS, JavaScript and dynamic HTML.

Evolution of Website Design
In the year 1996. Microsoft announced their initial competitive browser that had its own traits and tags. It was also the first browser that affirmed a list of distinct CSS. Chart tags were used for showing data and charts, but not very long after, designers figured out the potential of using HTML charts for creating complex multi-columns plus a formation which was not possible until then. At that time, the most consideration went to internet designing and esthetics, and very little attention was directed at semantic and web availability. HTML websites were already constrained in their designer’s capabilities, and even more with previous versions of HTML. To make complicated projects, web designers needed to use complex chart structures, and also use a vacant GIF picture to make a clean space in graph cells. Official CSS rules were approved in December 1996. And this allowed HTML code to be more exact than demonstration, and in that way improve web access. During this period of time, Flash was developed (previously known as Futuresplash). At the start, it was a very simple looking tool, and it was letting web designers go beyond standard HTML code in that instant.
In 1998, Netscape published NetscapeCommuncator under open source license, so, allowing tens of thousands of programmers involved in enhancing the program. They decided to stop its growth and start from scratch. That year, a web-standardisation job was formed, and it promoted HTML and CSS compatibility. The year 2000 was a big one for Microsoft, Internet Explorer was launched for Mac, and this was important, because it was the first browser supporting HTML 4.01 and CSS 1, increasing its compatibility. In this period, Netscape was sold to AOL, and it was considered as a formal defeat at the browser wars.

Tools & Technologies
Web designers are employing another set of tools based on the processes they are involved in. This instrument was upgraded over time to support newer standards and software variations, but fundamentals stayed. Graphic and web designers are using vector and raster graphics for creating graphics for web or design layout. Technologies for developing a website that is used now involves standardised tags which could be written by hand or WYSIWYG software.
A successful website has only a few typography, fonts which are similar, instead of using a lot of different fonts. Website typography also needs to be carefully arranged. Most browsers recognise and support a number of default fonts, and designers prefer to use them to prevent trouble. Nearly all of the elements on the website includes delimiters with the goal to divide paragraphs, and to make a more user-friendly website.
Websites must be properly organised to improve usability for visitors. Among the significant factors about web design is your website’s width, due to arranging inner web page elements. Most of the websites today have a width of 1280 or 1920 pixels, together with text and graphics in the middle, so it would look better on laptops and desktop screens.
Fluid structures were created around the year 2000, as a replacement for HTML charts, with the aim to discard conventional grid design. The usual assumption was that readers will probably have Windows OS installed, with different display resolutions, and there’s not anything that a web designer could do about it. Therefore, design should be split into units (sidebar, blocks in content, advertisement blocks, navigation areas,. .) That were sent to the browser, then built-in the browser user screen, since the browser knows details about users screen size and resolution, window size, fonts, and so on, so the browser would do a better job at that than web designers, despite that kind of configurations would frequently change positions of main content units, it is still far better to place objects below a body of text, then putting it on one side. Usability is far better in this manner, especially in avoiding horizontal scrolling.
Responsive web layout is a new approach, based on CSS5 criteria, and it’s a deeper level of specifications by an element outside cascade design of the web page, with greater use of CSS networking pseudo-selectors.
When developing a website, the best practice will be adjusting to standards. This entails programming mistakes and the assumption that identification and courses will comprehend each other in a proper way. That’s usually done using the description of the element’s function. Developing a website, and not going with criteria, may be a very bad idea since it is able to make your website unusable. The criteria are there due to proper web page’s schedule, design and also to ensure that coded elements are shut in a proper way. Checking with V3C validator may be done only when the proper announcement of the webpage (DOCTYPE) is completed, which can be utilised to detect coding errors in certain lines of a code. The system decides mistakes and areas which doesn’t match to web design standards, and this info can be changed after.’)

Visual Identity & Design
The website’s appearance should be adjusted to target the audience that is planned. This could be an age group or a distinctive perspective on a culture that the designer must understand, so he can visually signify that. Designers must also understand the customer, their company and the discipline of business so they would know which kind of site they require. The esthetics and final layout of this website should never be in conflict with content or whatever else, so users can find products or information they require as quickly as they can.
To understand the website itself, the most important thing is to comprehend the way it works. User experience like comprehension web site’s message, nicely organised elements must be crystal clear for all users, especially in the event that you want that visitor to return. More experienced users usually have a better grasp of site performance, and if they discover your website helpful, they will return. In most cases, less experienced users will not see the advantages or flaws.
The web designer ought to be focused on great website design and that equally, experienced and non-experienced user will find the information they need.
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